Borrowing a Husband – Honey Do. Gets Honey Done
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I have been living solo since I was 26. I like living alone. I don’t have to fight with anyone over the DVR, leaving their dishes in the sink or their wet towels on the floor. The food in the fridge is all mine and I can walk around in my underwear whenever I feel like it. However, there are times, when you need a man around. Come on, you know it’s the truth!
Recently, I had two issues that needed male attention…
1. There was a heat wave in LA. I’m talking HOT. Yes, I live near the beach and you really only need an air conditioner for 8-10 days out of the year, but I don’t like being hot. And I REALLY don’t like trying to blow dry my hair when my apartment is above 80 degrees. I mean really, what’s the point? Last summer it got so hot one night when I was getting ready to go out on a date that I turned on my car, blasted the AC and did my make-up in the driver’s seat.
So, I told myself that this year, I wasn’t going to suffer those 8-10 days of sweatiness. No. I was going to buck up, use my Amazon Prime and shell out $400 for a window AC. Yes, I’m now a window AC person and I hate myself for it… moving on!
Now, I’m a pretty handy girl. I’ve taken apart a vacuum to get a sock out of it (thanks college roomie!) and put it back together and it still worked. I set up my DVR, Wii, DVD player and TV to all work together and did it right all by myself. But, I cannot pick up a 70 lb window AC and expect to install it properly without a 99% probability of dropping out the window. So I called in reinforcements and borrowed a friend’s husband (who happens to be a contractor) for the afternoon. I worked, he installed. I gave him a bottle of thank you wine, he turned on the AC. Happy campers all around!
2. I like to think that not only am I handy, but I also have a green thumb. I mean, seriously, why am I not married??? When I moved into my apartment three years ago my sister bought me a ficus (tree). It’s been on my front porch since then growing and looking happy. A couple of months ago (hmmm, right around the time I started dating the Chef! I should listen to my plants more often!) my poor 7 foot ficus started to look a little sad. It was growing out of his kiddie pot and needed a big pot to keep flourishing. Done and done. A trip to Home Depot and I was ready to bring this tree back to life. And then I realized that was not going to happen solo. Do you have ANY idea how heavy a 7 foot ficus is and how much arm power you need to get it out of the pot it’s currently in? Yeah. Neither did I, but when I attempted to “I am woman, hear me roar, I can do anything by myself!” replant this tree, I realized I couldn’t do it by myself and I needed to borrow a husband again.
One text and my friend’s husband was on his way. Within 20 mins we had the tree replanted and were having a beer. Mr. Ficus is very happy and already seems to be doing better.
So, the moral of the story? You can be a pretty kick ass chick, but sometimes you need to borrow a husband to make shit happen around the house. Did I mention they’re great wingmen too?